NEW University-Wide Internship Course – INTD 194i (Offered Beginning Fall 2024)

Who should take INTD 194i?

Usually, juniors and seniors
Students whose major department does not offer an internship course
Students whose major department isn’t offering their internship course during a particular semester
Students who want to explore areas outside of their major

Does INTD 194i count for any Fresno State major or minor or certificate?

This course DOES NOT fulfill any specific requirements for any major, minor or certificate and will serve as an elective course for all students.

How many units is INTD 194i?

Students can take INTD 194i for 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 units.

Is the course repeatable? 

Yes, INTD 194i is repeatable for up to 6 units.

What are the course assignments?

In addition to completing internship hours with an approved internship (50 hours for 1 unit, 100 hours for 2 units, and 150 hours for 3 units), students will complete a series of assignments that include periodic reflection assignments, establishment of SMART learning objectives for their internship, a professional development experience (either on campus or through the internship site), a summary report about the internship and a group exit-interview with the course instructor. In addition, an hours log signed by the internship site supervisor and an evaluation completed by the internship site supervisor is required.

What is the deadline to enroll?

The fourth week of the semester. Check with instructor for exact date.

Do students have to secure their own internship or does the instructor do it for them?

Students are required to find their own internship prior to enrolling in the course. Usually this is via HireFresnoState. Details about this process will be provided when students reach out to course instructor (see below).

By Nora Diaz-Vasquez
Nora Diaz-Vasquez Career Counselor