
Ceramics Guild

Student Clubs

Fresno State Ceramics Guild is an club organizing art related activities and promoting ceramic arts on CSUF campus as well …

Student Association of Geomatics Engineers

Student Clubs

The Students Association for Geomatics Engineering (SAGE) is a group of like-minded individuals in a club centered around the practice …

Student Affairs and College Counseling Graduate Student Association

Student Clubs

Sports Medicine Club

Student Clubs

To provide students with opportunities for association and interaction with the Sports Medicine faculty and Athletic Administration of California State …

Sport Psychology Club

Student Clubs

The Sport Psychology Club is an official student organization recognized by the Associated Students, Inc. at California State University, Fresno. …

Sociology Club

Student Clubs

In the Sociology Club, members promote the concepts and values of the field of sociology. Members are given the opportunity …

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Student Clubs
The mission of SWE is to “Empower women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of …

Society of Physics Students

Student Clubs

A gathering of physics enthusiasts who want to know other students, participate in outreach, fun and educational events, and learn …

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Student Clubs

SHPE promotes the development of Hispanics in Engineering, Science and other technical professions to achieve educational excellence, economic opportunity and …