Pi Kappa Alpha

Academic Fraternities & Sororities

We, the men of Pi Kappa Alpha, come from different and diverse backgrounds, yet we are all bound by very similar ideals. We all possess four characteristics which we try our best to live up to every day: We are Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen. S.L.A.G., the uniting force behind our fraternity. Scholars- men who take academics seriously, school is our top priority. Leaders- men who are leaders in their campus, in their community and in their fraternity, men who are DRIVEN to succeed and make a difference. Athletes- not just intramural, varsity, or club athletes, but men who have a competitive drive to do their best at whatever they do. Gentlemen- men who treat themselves, their community, and others with respect and dignity that they deserve. Find us on Facebook at “Fresno State Pike”! Follow us on Intstagram @fresnostatepike Follow us on Twitter @fresnostatepike
