Angela Hickman graduated in December of 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. She has career aspirations to become a Clinical Neuropsychologist. During her studies, Hickman has been able to gain a variety of practical experiences to help support her future career goals.

What steps have you taken to gain practical experience in your desired field?

I have completed the Psychology Honors Program, joined three research labs at Fresno State and one at Washington State University, and contributed to group research projects that have been presented at national and international conferences.

In what ways has the Career Development Center supported you in acquiring the essential skills for success in your career?

While working in the Career Development Center during my sophomore year, all of the staff supported me and my career and have continued to support me whenever I come to the Career Development Center for advice. However, Daniel Gomez has continued to help me tremendously by providing guidance on different career options (e.g., going clinical versus the academia route), how to achieve my career goals (e.g., getting research experience outside of Fresno State), reviewing my personal statement and CV, and providing on-campus resources to achieve these goals (e.g., suggesting I get involved in multiple research labs and apply to the Psychology Honors Program).

What other resources or services on campus have you utilized to support your career growth? How have they supported you?

By joining various research labs, I have learned more about conducting research, presented at national and international conferences, connected with fellow psychology students, and received guidance on research, graduate school, and networking from my mentors, Dr. Shapiro, Dr. Woo, and Dr. Miller. Through the Psychology Honors Program, I have learned the steps for conducting a research project from start to finish, built meaningful connections with fellow honors students, and now have another great mentor, Dr. Dial.

Looking ahead, where do you envision yourself in your career five years from now?

I am looking to become a Clinical Neuropsychologist, so in five years, I hope to be finishing up a clinical psychology Ph.D. program with an emphasis in neuropsychology.

What advice would you offer to incoming freshmen who are seeking guidance on starting their career journey?

I would recommend they visit the Career Development Center so that they can explore career options with their career advisor and create a plan to achieve that goal. I would also recommend they attend events held by the Career Development Center to get a better feel for how professional events work and get more comfortable networking. Students should also build connections with faculty in their department to get more familiar with their desired field and have another trusted source to come to for any career or school-related advice.

Is there any additional information or message you would like to share with students?

There are a few things I feel have helped me the most. First, follow your advisor’s and professor’s advice because you never know what opportunities could arise from it. By following Daniel’s advice to pursue research opportunities at other universities, I have had the opportunity to work under a great mentor in a research lab at Washington State University for over a year and a half now. Second, do not be afraid to talk to people and make connections! Some of the most successful researchers in the field I am going into have been some of the nicest and most encouraging people I have come across. More importantly, having simple conversations with all of my mentors has helped solidify my career path and the steps I should take to get there. Lastly, be proactive and confident in your professional endeavors!