IMPORTANT ALERT: We've been informed of several fraudulent phishing schemes targeting the Fresno State community, masquerading as employment/internship opportunities. Please be aware that these communications are deceptive and not legitimate offers. If you receive one of these emails DO NOT APPLY/INQUIRE,  forward suspicious messages to the Technology Services – Information Security Team at Visit the Information Security page for information on recognizing phishing attempts and other suspicious communications.

Career Development Center


Visit with a Career Peer Mentor for career-related questions by visiting our Career Cafe’ in person at the University Student Union (USU) Room 306!  The Career Cafe is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Our Career Peer Mentors can:
• Schedule an in-person, Zoom virtual meeting or phone appointment with one of our career counselors.
• Review your resume and cover letter, provide interview preparation and other career resources.
• Check out online resources here to explore your interests and career pathways.
• Assist you with using our online job and internship system, HireFresnoState, to its full potential.

Want to learn more about our website? Check out these short website tutorials.

Are you a student with Career Development Center (CDC) tour assignment?

Latest News

Student Employee Spotlight – December


Chayil, a fourth-year Psychology major, currently works for the Black Student Success Initiative. Within her first year, she has continued to develop her time management, facilitative, and event organizational and planning skills. The most best part of her job …

By Micaela Trujillo
Micaela Trujillo Marketing & Communications Student Assistant
Read more

Student Employee Spotlight – November


Erik is a senior Viticulture major working in the Department of Viticulture for the past 4 months. During these few months, he has gained several skills such as knowledge of irrigation systems, harvesting wine & table grapes, and operating …

By Micaela Trujillo
Micaela Trujillo Marketing & Communications Student Assistant
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Student Employee Spotlight – October


Adria is a fourth year Criminology, Victimology major working in the Division of Research and Graduate studies. This is also her fourth year working for the department. In her role, she has gained skills in problem solving, interpersonal communication, …

By Micaela Trujillo
Micaela Trujillo Marketing & Communications Student Assistant
Read more


Contact & Location

P 559.278.2381

Career Development Center
University Student Union, Room 306
5280 N. Jackson Ave, M/S SU61
Fresno, CA 93740

Career Service Hours

Monday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Tuesday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Career Cafe Walk-In Hours 9am-3pm Daily

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